Professional Publications



Wiederhold, M.D., & Wiederhold, B.K. (1996). “From Virtual Worlds to the Therapist’s Office:  Are Virtual Reality Techniques Useful Tools in Psychotherapy and Diagnosis?” IEEE Engineering In Medicine and Biology. 15(2): 44-46.

Wiederhold, B.K. “The Use of Virtual Reality in Biofeedback.” Proceedings of the Medicine Meets Virtual Reality V Conference. January 22, 1997, San Diego, California.

Wiederhold, B.K. “The Use of Biofeedback in Virtual Reality.” Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Workshop on “Virtual Reality in Medicine. October 29, 1997, Chicago, Illinois.

Wiederhold, B.K., & Wiederhold, M.D. (1998). “A Review of Virtual Reality as a Psychotherapeutic Tool.” CyberPsychology & Behavior. 1(1): 45-52.

Wiederhold, B.K. “Physiological Monitoring During VR Therapy for Anxiety Disorders.” Proceedings of the Medicine Meets Virtual Reality VI Conference. January 28, 1998, San Diego, California.

Wiederhold, B.K., & Wiederhold, M.D. “Real-Time Physiological Monitoring in Virtual Therapy.” Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Winter Conference on Brain Function/EEG Modification & Training: Advanced Neurofeedback Meeting. February 6, 1998, Palm Springs, California.

Wiederhold, M.D., & Wiederhold, B.K. “Neural Networks as Diagnostic Decision Support Tools in Medicine.” Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Winter Conference on Brain Function/EEG Modification & Training: Advanced Neurofeedback Meeting. February 6, 1998, Palm Springs, California.

Wiederhold, B.K., Wiederhold, M.D., & Rizzo, A. “Virtual Reality and Mental Health.” Proceedings of the 1998 California Psychological Association Conference. March 27, 1998, Pasadena, California.

Wiederhold, B.K. (1998). “Overview of the Virtual Reality and Mental Health Symposium.” CyberPsychology & Behavior. 1(2): 95-96.

 Wiederhold, B.K., Wiederhold, M.D., & Gevirtz, R. (1998). “Fear of Flying: A Case Report Using Virtual Reality Therapy with Physiological Monitoring.” CyberPsychology & Behavior. 1(2): 93-98.

Wiederhold, B.K., Rizzo, A., & Wiederhold, M.D. (1998). “The Use of Virtual Reality in Psychology.” The California Psychologist XXXI. (6): 25.

Wiederhold, B.K., & Kaneda, M. (1998). “Enhancing Feedback in Virtual Worlds with PhysiologicalMonitoring.” Proceedings of the Psychophysiology in Ergonomics Conference October 7-8, 1998. Tokyo, Japan.

Wiederhold, B.K. (Nov/Dec 1998). “Using Virtual Reality & Biofeedback to Treat Specific Phobias.” San Diego Psychologist. 7 (10): 10.

Wiederhold, B.K., Davis, R., & Wiederhold, M.D. (1998). “The effects of immersiveness on physiology.” In G. Riva, & B.K. Wiederhold (Eds). Virtual Environments in Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience: Methods and Techniques in Advanced Patient-Therapist Interaction. IOS Press, 52-60.

Wiederhold, B.K., & Wiederhold, M.D. (Fall, 1998). “The use of virtual reality therapy for the treatment of anxiety disorders and phobias.” International Psychology Review.

Wiederhold, B.K. (1999). “Foreword.” The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Conquering Fear & Anxiety by Sharon Heller, Prentice-Hall Publishers.

Wiederhold, B.K. “Observations During Virtual Reality Therapy.” Proceedings of the Medicine Meets Virtual Reality VII Conference. January 1999, San Francisco, California.

Wiederhold, B.K. (1999). “Overview of the Virtual Reality and Mental Health Symposium.” CyberPsychology & Behavior. 2(1): 3-5.

Wiederhold, B.K. (1999). “Clinical Observations During VR Therapy for Specific Phobias.” CyberPsychology & Behavior. 2(2): 161-168.

Wiederhold, B.K. Rizzo, A., & Wiederhold, M.D. (1999). “An Overview of Virtual Reality in Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology.” Proceedings of the California Psychological Association Conference. March 25-28, 1999, San Diego, California.

Wiederhold, B.K., & Wiederhold, M.D. (1999). “Using Virtual Reality to Treat Anxiety Disorders.” Proceedings of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America Conference. March 25-28, 1999, San Diego, California.

Wiederhold, B.K., & Wiederhold, M.D. (1999). “The Use of Virtual Reality for the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders & Phobias.” Computer Graphics Journal. 33(2): 25-27.

Wiederhold, B.K., & Gevirtz, R.G. (1999). “Enhancing Treatment of Specific Phobias with Virtual Reality and Physiological Feedback.” Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. 24(2): 128-129.

Wiederhold, B.K. (1999). “Journal Celebrates Anniversary.” The Amplifier: Media Psychology Division 46 of APA.

Wiederhold, B.K., & Kaneda, M., (1999). “Use of Biofeedback and Virtual Reality Technology for the Treatment of Phobias.” Proceedings of the 27th Japanese Society of Biofeedback Research Meeting. June 12-13, 1999, Tokyo, Japan.

Wiederhold, B.K., & Gevirtz, R.G., (1999). “Enhancing Treatment of Specific Phobias with Virtual Reality and Physiological Feedback.” Applied Psychophysiology & Biofeedback Journal. 24(2): 140.

Wiederhold, B.K. (1999). “Using Virtual Reality and Biofeedback to Treat Specific Phobias.” San Diego Therapist. Sept: 8.

Rizzo, A., Wiederhold, B.K., Wiederhold, M.D., Rothbaum, B.O., Schare, M., Hoffman, H., Palacios, A., & Borkovec, T. “Virtual Reality Applications for Cognitive/Behavioral Assessment and Intervention.” Symposium in the Proceedings of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy. Toronto, Canada, November 13, 1999.