TATRC Next Generation Injury Creation Simulator
VRMC developed and tested a new technology for use in Role I and II medical care to fill a gap in current simulation science for medical training. The purpose of this project was to produce a functional, medically and militarily tested prototype of an injury creation simulator. VRMC teamed with Strategic Operations (STOPS) and consulted with Department of Defense personnel to create a novel technology using movie-making techniques and special effects to complement current combat casualty care simulations: the injury creation simulator. VRMC identified combat injuries and medical and surgical procedures for inclusion in the prototype. VRMC and STOPS experimented with Hollywood makeup techniques to design realistic injuries, including “dynamic” injuries. VRMC developed test protocols, and STOPS and VRMC conducted the final testing. VRMC analyzed videotapes and after-action reports to draw conclusions from the data, which was shared in a final report with recommendations for future investigations.
This program is being considered for implementation at the U.S. Army Medical Department (AMEDD) Center & School at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.