USAARL Stress Inoculation Using Virtual Reality in Combat Medic Training
This contract is for the necessary equipment and support for the U.S. Army Aeromedical Research Lab (USAARL) to conduct virtual reality–stress inoculation training (VR–SIT) data collection at Fort Rucker, Alabama. This is in direct support of a Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC) funded program.
Initial VR–SIT training and data collection at Fort Rucker, Alabama began in April 2006. The equipment delivered supported that effort by enabling USAARL to embed the system components into the Battlefield Highly Immersive Virtual Environment (B-HIVE), validate the VR–SIT approach with an en route medical evacuation emphasis, establish baseline data for participants, and initiate longitudinal tracking.
The contract includes all necessary software development, hardware, delivery, integration, setup, and personnel training to support the USAARL SIT training program. This was delivered as a turnkey system, with minimal USAARL interface and input required.
- VR system: 2 laptops, a head-mounted display and tracker, 3 carrying cases, and all accessories and software programs.
- Physiological monitoring system: 1 laptop, 1 PhysioLab software/device, and 1 laptop carrying case. The system architecture is based on a central unit, which controls the experimental protocols, records the results, and provides an interface for modules that are used for the acquisition of various physiological parameters.
- Equipment was delivered by VRMC to Fort Rucker, Alabama with en route scenarios.
- VRMC provided 2 software engineers for 2 days at Fort Rucker to familiarize Army personnel with the proper setup and use of the equipment.
- VRMC provided all necessary documentation.
The Aerospace Industries Association branch in San Diego included VRMC on its 2006 list of top new technology firms in the region.