Virtual Reality Training Promotes Retinal Structure and Macular Function Recovery in Glaucoma Patients

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Cyberpsychology Behavior, and SocialNetworking Journal Mary Ann Liebert Inc. Publishers, “Virtual Reality Visual Perceptual Plastic Training Promotes Retinal Structure and Macular Function Recovery in Glaucoma Patients”

Experts ‘cautiously optimistic’ about Virtual Reality

“The future of medical extended reality (medical XR) must be built upon the successes and the failures of the past to move forward realistically,” Wiederhold said.

“We’re putting [anxiety] patients into the environment. We’re having them confront what they’re afraid of, change that physiological response, that cognitive response, having them confront those emotions and then having them do behavioral change so that they can translate that and no longer have that fear or phobia in the real-world setting,” she says.