Navigating the Medical Metaverse: Using Objective Measures to Stay on Course

New Editorial Alert: “Navigating the Medical Metaverse:  Using Objective Measures to Stay on Course” is now featured in the Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking Journal, published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Publishers.

“For those of us who pioneered VR therapy three decades ago, the ability to incorporate in-person VR, teleVR, and the metaverse to allow patients to access effective VR treatment wherever they are located was a distant dream. This tribrid VR therapy1 modality is only possible now because technology has flown so far, so fast…”

#VR #Flying #Phobias #Hybrid VR #TeleVR  #HealthcareInnovation #Telehealth #DigitalHealth #Cyberpsychology #PublicHealth #VR #DTx

Long COVID and Self-Management Strategies

New Editorial Alert: “The Path Forward: Self-Management Strategies for Long COVID” is now featured in the Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking Journal, published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Publishers.

In the midst of the ongoing pandemic, the need to understand and manage Long COVID is more important than ever. This editorial explores the complexities of Long COVID, a condition affecting millions worldwide with a wide range of life-altering symptoms.

#LongCOVID #HealthcareInnovation #Telehealth #DigitalHealth #Cyberpsychology #PublicHealth #VR #DTx


Predicting PTSD Using Heart Rate Variability during VR and Modified Stroop Tasks

Excited to offer a special link to read our new article for the next 30 days, free online:

Predicting Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment Response Using Heart Rate Variability to Virtual Reality Environment and Modified Stroop Task: An Exploratory Study JM Pyne, JI Constans, BK Wiederhold, S Jegley, A Rabalais, B Hu, MC Weber, KD Hinkson and MD Wiederhold


Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2023.0164


Virtual Reality Training Promotes Retinal Structure and Macular Function Recovery in Glaucoma Patients

Excited to offer a special link below to freely access our article for 30 days starting today. Enjoy!
Cyberpsychology Behavior, and SocialNetworking Journal Mary Ann Liebert Inc. Publishers, “Virtual Reality Visual Perceptual Plastic Training Promotes Retinal Structure and Macular Function Recovery in Glaucoma Patients”

Experts ‘cautiously optimistic’ about Virtual Reality

“The future of medical extended reality (medical XR) must be built upon the successes and the failures of the past to move forward realistically,” Wiederhold said.

“We’re putting [anxiety] patients into the environment. We’re having them confront what they’re afraid of, change that physiological response, that cognitive response, having them confront those emotions and then having them do behavioral change so that they can translate that and no longer have that fear or phobia in the real-world setting,” she says.

How to Stay Calm During a Bumpy Flight

“Even the most seasoned travelers can get a little anxious when the plane starts shaking…”

Dr. Brenda Wiederhold, a licensed clinical psychologist in San Diego, regularly sees patients who have an intense fear of flying. For more than two decades, she has successfully used both real-life scenarios and virtual reality to help expose patients to various flying scenarios, like airplane turbulence and take-offs.

Licensed in California, Virginia and Belgium, we value the opportunity technology offers to see our patients virtually to help them overcome their fears and phobias.

Face Your Fear of Flying With These Research-Backed Tips and Strategies

“When the fear doesn’t budge, consider exposure therapy using virtual reality: Using VR technology, patients go on realistic simulated flights to help them overcome their fears gradually. Research shows the treatment is highly effective in bringing flying anxiety back to earth, especially when combined with biofeedback, techniques that allow people to control their physiological responses…”

Dr. Brenda Wiederhold, a licensed clinical psychologist in San Diego, regularly sees patients who have an intense fear of flying. For more than two decades, she has successfully used both real-life scenarios and virtual reality to help expose patients to various flying scenarios, like airplane turbulence and take-offs.

Licensed in California, Virginia and Belgium, we value the opportunity technology offers to see our patients virtually to help them overcome their fears and phobias.

How to Stay Calm During a Bumpy Flight


“Even the most seasoned travelers can get a little anxious when the plane starts shaking…”

Dr. Brenda Wiederhold, a licensed clinical psychologist in San Diego, regularly sees patients who have an intense fear of flying. For more than two decades, she has successfully used both real-life scenarios and virtual reality to help expose patients to various flying scenarios, like airplane turbulence and take-offs.

Licensed in California, Virginia and Belgium, we value the opportunity technology offers to see our patients virtually to help them overcome their fears and phobias.